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January 30, 2017

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Little Lotus products use a proprietary fabric which helps balance your baby’s skin temperature. 

Fewer temperature fluctuations mean a more comfortable baby and a more well rested parent.

How your contributions have helped!

Dear Little Lotus Community,

As January comes to an end, we want to take some time to highlight some of the moms and babies we've helped with the Embrace incubator.  Here are their stories:

Belmati and her baby in an Embrace infant warmer

This is Belmati Bodra from Gulika, a small village in Jharkhand. Her husband works as a laborer to support his family. When their baby was born, they traveled to the nearest district to deliver the baby in a hospital. Because the baby was born underweight, their he was placed in the Embrace infant warmer. The baby and mother are both doing well now.


Shamko and her baby in an Embrace infant warmer

Shamko Bai belongs to the Banjara community from a small village in Anta, Baran district, Rajasthan. She gave birth to twins at the community health center. One of the babies weighed just 1.75 kg, and was hypothermic at 35.6°C. The Embrace infant warmer was used to raise her baby's temperature and played a major role in stabilizing her baby's condition. 

We recently began a partnership with One Heart Worldwide, an amazing nonprofit organization working on saving mothers and babies in Nepal. They just began deploying the Embrace infant warmers in the field this month, and we're eager to see the impact they make.

Thanks to Little Lotus sales, we are also starting a project with Nuru International in Kenya this quarter, and are in process of figuring out logistics for shipping our warmers to their sites. 

We are thankful for all your support and together, we hope to continue our journey in helping those in need as we expand into more countries this year.
